How To Succeed During Online Learning

Ingrid Arteaga, Staff Writer



Frida Arteaga (5th grader) is doing virtual school. She is able to multitask by eating cookies and doing her assignment.

This ongoing pandemic has changed our lives in many ways. Learning to adapt to this new environment can be difficult at times although most of us have managed in our own ways.  Virtual school is one of the main things Covid-19 has altered.  One major impact that this pandemic has contributed to is time management when it comes to assignments, homework, and studying. Being placed in a different environment has become a challenge to most students, since it’s a different workplace. 

Planning your day by day consists of waking up early, attending virtual class, and getting in contact with the teacher through email or any device. This is something that has impacted students in a way that it takes away the face-to-face interaction when communicating. What if you were a shy student? It has become a harder obstacle to overcome social anxiety, since now you are behind a screen. 

In result of interviewing my little sister, it’s nothing more than a sign of relief for myself to be able to understand and see the outcome that has arisen from this unfortunate pandemic. The chaos it has caused for each other as well as loved ones, in reference to help guide each other through this experience is tough, it ranges from age and ranges in grade. My younger sister sees things and sometimes it’s difficult because we don’t know the result what of what is  being taught as well as myself trying to gather what is being taught to me; my sister is in 5th grade and she struggles. I ask her what is it she struggles with, her response is mainly how certain things are worded versus being in the class. At her age I was able to be in class and interact with my friends as well as ask the teacher questions if needed but unfortunately this year not all students can have that same face to face interaction.

The time to go over the assignments is one way that is helpful for students to understand the concept of the assignments whether your being asked a million questions but it’s for a reason and that reason is to help mold a child or adult to what is being taught and understood. Not feeling rushed to jump from one assignment to another is as well a great beginning besides explaining what the assignment is about, having a group meeting with you teachers and parents is another way that can help distance learning a whole lot instead of letting the entire responsibilities of what the teacher is showing on a student.

The main understanding is we students as well as parents did not pick this way of learning. As you can see there are both pros and cons regarding virtual school. We students can only work with what is given and taught the rest falls on the person teaching.