A Deep Dive into the Gilmore Girls’ Diet and Food Obsession

Gabriela Briseno, Staff Writer

Gilmore Girls is one of my favorite shows. It’s fantastic. However, I must admit that the
show does mess with your relationship with food in some ways. Despite the fact that I love the show
because of the family dynamic, music, and vibe, it does have issues.

When I was truly thinking about the show, I realized how much food is involved in the plot. Yes, one of the reasons the program is so comforting is because food is comforting, but the way it is portrayed in the show makes me sad. Lorelai and her daughter Rory aren’t like other girls in the show; they’re “cool girls” who can eat anything they want and never gain weight, and everyone adores them. It is frequently noted
throughout the show how incredible it is that these two can eat enormous amounts of food while
remaining thin.

I believe that this show screws with people’s relationships with food by instilling in
us the belief that you have to love food and eat a lot of food to be quirky and fun, but if you’re not
incredibly tiny and eat a lot of food, people will judge you for being overweight. This is fine now.

Sure, they have fast metabolisms, but it’s their judgment of those who aren’t incredibly little that
bothers me. If you’re their friend, they won’t judge you, but if you’re not, they will. It’s fascinating
to see how the Gilmore Girls can be friends with people who aren’t conventionally model-esque and
not make any comments about their appearance, but every time a new character enters the scene
who isn’t part of their circle, their appearance becomes fair game, like in the famous episode where
Rory goes to see a ballet and has to write an article for the school newspaper that everyone will
read, and she decides to write about the ballerina’s body in a negative light.

Although this program dates from the 2000s and different jokes were made at the time, the
2016 revival was just as awful. Because of how they depicted food, I believe the show caused many
people to suffer with their relationships with food. It’s sad to see these things in movies and
television shows.