It has arrived, the long-awaited and stress brewing time for many high school students, college entrance testing. It is now time to prepare to apply for college; it is highly recommended and sometimes mandatory to take the infamous SAT/ACT. These college standard tests are made as a tool to help admission officers determine students’ academic prowess. Additionally, by applying yourself to these tests and scoring well you can receive scholarships with the College Board.
For juniors, it is advised that you take these standardized tests Spring semester and retake them, if needed, in the fall of senior year. As Mrs. Trevino, a college center staff member, stated all students have two SAT trials with the school so it would be best to take advantage if needed.
For the SAT You will be tested on reading, writing, and math, and the nearest date to register is 2/25/25 correlating to the test on 3/8/25. The next registration dates are 4/22/25 and 5/27/25 for 5/3/25 and 6/7/25.
As for taking the ACT, Mrs. Trevino informed that in the lfcisd district students will take the science section rather than the writing section, so the test will include math, reading, and science divisions. The registration dates are 3/16/25, 5/26/26, and 6/20/25 and their correlating test dates are 4/5/35, 6/14/25, and 7/12/25.
If you wish to register for either the SAT/ACT or have any questions concerning testing it is highly encouraged that you visit the college center located in the LFHS library. Now good luck Falcons on your testing endeavors.