The much-awaited movie Wild Robot was recently released on September 27 across the United States. This animated movie is about the story of a robot named Roz and her struggle to survive on a remote, wild island. She learns to adapt and survive and finds ways to talk to the wildlife and soon makes that place her home. The main characters are Roz and a goose named Brightbill. The voice actors are Kit Conner and Lupita Nyong’o.
The movie has been receiving great praise from the movie industry and fans. The movie has a 98% fresh rating on the movie review website, Rotten Tomatoes.
Junior Jasmin Trevino saw the movie and really enjoyed it.
“I loved how it showed the importance of understanding and empathy,” Trevino said.”Roz and Brightbill’s relationship was so touching, and it taught me that even the most unlikely friendships can make a big difference. The movie was funny, exciting, and it had a great message for both kids and adults. I think everyone should see it because it’s not just a movie for kids, it speaks to everyone.”
Sophomore Jann Morgado, another student who saw the movie and really found it entertaining.
“I like how it was always entertaining, never a dull moment with the characters.” Morgado said. “Whoever watches it will laugh and cry. It really is a great movie.”